公益財団法人 医学教育振興財団 | JMEF

Results obtained by Research Grant for Medical Education presented online

Research results obtained by the Research Grant for Medical Education were presented online on 7th December 2021 with around 30 participants including FY 2020’s awardees of the grants, members of Japan Medical Education Foundation (JMEF) and staff of Medical Education Division, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). This grant, launched in 1979 by JMEF, is a competitive research funding aimed at contributing to the development of medical education in Japan.

The presentation was moderated by Dr. MAENO Tetsuhiro, Director of JMEF and Professor at the University of Tsukuba, and the presentations are as follows:

Names of Awardees Titles of the Presentations
NOMURA Osamu, M.D., M.A., Ph.D. (Hirosaki University)Development and Validation of Japanese Version of Script Concordance Test
MATSUDA Yoko, M.D., Ph.D. (Kagawa University)Pathology education using whole slide images with corporation to other institutes
AOKI Shuntaro, Ph.D. (Fukushima Medical University)What non-verbal communication is used in medical interviews?
Preliminary analysis of medical interview videos using machine learning

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